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Everything posted by johmanni

  1. Has the topvoter ended as there hasnt been one of these for 2 months?
  2. There is cap of 10m per player limit thats preventing me from hoarding more. Also there is nothing usefull to buy after early game.
  3. Shoudlnt this be under community news rather than minecraft news?
  4. the point is without more transparency this thing is starting to smell rigged or staff members should not be able to get topvoter
  5. Server with 48 votes allows vote every 12 hours while you vote once a day the other with less than 30 votes were added middle of last month and you didnt start to vote on those right away
  6. I am not sure how you count votes but I'm pretty sure I got more than LordWarlock last month on GregTech New Horizons took few screenshots before month change of votepages "topvoters" sections and with some I had warlock tied and in some I had more
  7. Could I get vote count on GregTech New Horizons with LordWarlock vote count?
  8. Name: johmanni Issue: I have 2+4 items from extra cells that are saying they going away and use crafting table to convert but I have tried and not working.
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