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Banksia Slayer

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Everything posted by Banksia Slayer

  1. Cool. Thanks for following this up. Even if you only excluded the rftools and create mods from the reset, that would be most of the problem solved. The other mods you mentioned all have alternatives you can use, but no other mod has trains, and the fact that the rftools dimensions seem to be protected means you can't set up an alternative scheme for reaching them. For what it's worth, I think resetting Refined Storage is definitely a good idea. As recorded on an earlier post, I've discovered the hard way what happens when you don't reset Refined Storage (I used external storage to avoid the weekly reset, my base got more and more laggy until one day all my stuff was gone). Clearly RS has big problems, in the week before my stuff deleted, about half of my teleports to my base would crash the server. It is disappointing to hear that Immersive Engineering has such a design flaw, but there are plenty of alternatives for energy transport. If resetting data on that mod is necessary to avoid lag, I can use different wires. Better than causing unnecessary lag for everyone. Integrated dynamics is one to watch. As far as I'm aware, only myself and one other player have used it for storage. It's possible it might have similar problems to RS - but let's hope not. I'll keep you posted. I've been experience unusual lag for the last few days, all my machines and mobs are moving/running in slow-motion. But it's not just in my base, so the source is difficult to confirm. Thanks for the help.
  2. Hello While you are probably aware that the server resets Refined Storage once a week (sometime on Friday I think), a bunch of other things are also being affected. I've already posted about the Immersive Engineering wires being deleted - that wasn't such a big problem, hardly anyone uses them. But there's a bunch of other things affected, such as the monodirectional controllers from integrated dynamics and - more importantly - the matter receiver from RFtools. Both blocks don't work until they are broken and re-laid. But in the case of the matter receivers that generate in the Rftools dimensions, this means there's no longer a way to access the dimension. I've now discovered an even bigger headache: my Train (from Create) has been deleted. If this happens weekly, this makes a major (and really cool) feature of that mod quite difficult to use. I guess my question is: is there any way to make the server more selective in what data it resets, or are the current settings an essential part of the Server maintenance?
  3. Yeah, the fact that drawers and chests got wiped is unusual, some of the drawers themselves had been destroyed. But at this point, enough time has passed that a rollback would be more trouble than it's worth I think. In the time since then I've replaced the important stuff, replaced my refined storage system with an integrated dynamics setup - quite interesting -, built a train, and generally done enough work that a rollback would do more harm than good. I'd rather not do all that again. Now that it's gone, I realise how much refined storage was lagging my base. It's possible I've discovered the reason why RS systems are reset weekly in the first place.
  4. Good luck. I've had to do that a few times. If you've seen my post about the arrow ball - that was really bad. Took me ages to escape. In the end, I somehow got away by punching in the /spawn command then logging out. Somehow the server was confused enough to teleport me to spawn before it knew I'd left. But Masaki's base isn't as bad, you should be able to get away. In my experience, the /spawn command is your best hope. It would be nice to know what block is causing the problems there. Is it just the huge crop harvesting setup? Who knows.
  5. Hello I can confirm he is crashing the Server. I recognise that base. It is claimed by a player named Masaki. I got trapped there for a while as well, was able to warp to spawn after several attempts. Was not able to see which block might be the problem.
  6. OK so there have been a few more twists. I was able to use the Excavator in the Nether, where the mineral veins were working normally, until one day all the veins disappeared. All the locations where I located mineral veins now said no minerals were present, just like in the Overworld. However, when the Nether was reset yesterday, the mineral veins re-appeared. I can once again locate them. So it looks like there's some server bug that empties all the veins or something, and the reset in the Nether brings them back (The End also gets reset, but wouldn't have veins in the first place). The other possibility would be that the mineral veins were all mined remotely, but I don't know of any machine (or command) that could do this.
  7. Hello I've been using a refined storage system with items stored externally in Drawers, chests and an Item Vault. For the last few months this appeared to avoid the problems with Refined Storage, but not any more. Sometime in the last 24 hours all my external storage is wiped: the chests are empty, the drawers are empty. Some of the drawers have been destroyed - no idea how. But the crafting patterns are still fine somehow, and the (surviving) drawers still have their upgrades. Is it possible to roll-back my base to before this disaster? If you can do that. I should have the resources to change my storage to something more stable. However, since the market upstairs from spawn is currently blocked off, getting the logic presses for AE2 may be impossible. Hope you can help, this is quite a costly setback.
  8. I've found a chunk that causes crashes the server when loaded, and I think I've discovered why. In the screenshot I've attached, you can see what looks like an infinite ball of arrows up in the tree ahead, it's shedding a few. Not sure how it got there, but it's causes major problems. Is it possible to reset that chunk or something? I'm basically locked out of the server now, as logging in again loads that chunk. You can see my coordinates in the attached screenshot. I assume the arrow ball wasn't naturally generated. PS, there are a lot of force-loaded chunks piling up from players who haven't been active for a long time. Is there a way you can reset that force-loading, so these zombie chunks aren't wasting server memory?
  9. I've built the Amadron Tablet (from pneumaticraft repressurized), as it appears to be the only way to get a key item for progressing to the mods more advanced stuff. But the delivery drones it uses aren't working. When I place an order, the drones spawns, but just sits there, hovering until it runs out of power. Is the drone AI for Pneumaticraft disabled on this server? I'm in the Direwolf 1.19 server.
  10. Anyone know what's happened to the spawn area? It seems to be missing a few things, and a doorway. Not being able to get to the market area upstairs is a bit inconvenient. Anyway, is this change a bug or a feature?
  11. Are we talking about the same server here? I'm in the Direwolf 1.19 server, and so far, I've made the survey tools, and found no traces of any mineral vein in the overworld, having tried dozens of locations in a number of areas. Same result in the Mining Dimension. However, I find veins easily in the Nether. Will try the Twilight Forest next.
  12. Ok. I'm back in the server. My original theory was right I think. I've removed the Heat Frame, and so far, so good. I've discovered it "makes" one more block of ice after the bucket is removed, so was still going when I thought it wasn't. I've no idea why one of my floodlights became obsidian. Hopefully that's unrelated.
  13. OK I was wrong. The server's crashing again. It's not the heat frame. It got to be the Floodlights (from Immersive Engineering). The problem is reduced when they're unpowered, but it's still crashing the server if I approach my base on foot. I'll see if I can get back in and remove the offending block. Know any other blocks that are good for lighting a large area? Sorry for the spam but given the severity of the problem, thought you might want to know the exact cause.
  14. OK I guess I've just been unlucky then. I tried more than a dozen different chunks and none had anything. I'll have another go at prospecting.
  15. The problem's gone now, I don't understand why. I still suspect the heat frame, which is still there, but hard to be sure. However, one of my floodlights has been replaced by a block of obsidian. Was that you Veber? It's interesting that another player has described the same problem, although he blames the Shape Builder, which I wasn't using.
  16. I can't get in to obtain exact coordinates (obviously). Fortunately I took a few screenshots of my base at times, and I've used them to figure it out (hopefully). So I think it's located at 80, 139, 648. (It could be 649 on the z coordinate, not exactly sure) I know there are other ways to make ice. I'll get on it once I'm not destroying the server. My apologies to the other players affected.
  17. OK the problem is back. I think the Heat Frame semiblock (or associated heat mechanic) from the Pneumaticraft Repressurized mod may be the cause. I've been using one to produce ice, at the time of my first reply the bucket that feeds it was gone. Once I replace the bucket and the cold frame started working again, the crashing started again. Since my Heat Frame setup was only built yesterday, this would explain why the problem is now. If I can get back in again. I'll attempt to remove the heat frame, and hope this fixes the problem. If I can't, is there a way to remove a block type remotely?
  18. Update: The problem appears to have gone away now. I don't know why. One small thing has changed in my base - one of my LV wires has burnt out, not unusual, those wires have a current limit, which I must have exceeded. Why it didn't do so earlier, and whether this is related to the server crashing, are both unknown to me. But it seemed like the server was only crashing when only part of my base was chunkloaded. I encountered something similar elsewhere on the map, but I never found out when was there, I now avoid that area. Let's hope that problem doesn't come back.
  19. Every time I log in I cause a server restart. I happens during the loading terrain phase of the loading screen. At first I was able to log in, but server crashed whenever I moved. I teleported to spawn, and this seemed to solve the problem, I was able to travel a fair distance south without problems. Once I got near my base, the server crashed again. Now I cause a restart every time I log in. I suspect something in my base is the problem, but it must be something new. I built one or two things from the Pneumaticraft mod yesterday. If they're somehow causing the problem, they took some time to do so. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  20. I've got another one, IE seems to have a few problems. This one relates to the excavator, which mines imaginary mineral veins generated in each chunks. On the Direwolf20 1.19 server, when I take core samples, they always show no minerals present, and the Excavator likewise produces nothing. Is this feature turned off, or simply not working? Or have I simply missed something? On a more amusing note, when I right-click with handheld items (eg food), they sometimes are replaced temporarily by a duplicate image of my shield, but it's pretty harmless.
  21. Whoops, forgot to specify - It's the DireWolf20 1.19 server.
  22. I've been using a lot of the Immersive Engineering stuff - with a few minor bugs, But the major one is as follows: Once a week, at the same time Refined Storage is reset, for some reason the Electrical Wires from IE also get deleted. Is this a known issue? Is this a necessary measure by the admins (like the RS resets), or something unintended? Before anyone asks, yes I have a Refined Storage system, but I'm not using it to store stuff. I'm using external storage for items, it's a good use for the Create Item Vault. I know when the RS reset occurs because the interfaces and autocrafters lose their settings - easily fixed.
  23. Resolved now. I was lucky the owner of the area eventually logged on and moved it for me.
  24. I've discovered that parking my own Viescraft flying machine in someone else's chunks make it inaccessible, I can't move it now. This problem also exists for mounts. Is there any way to get it back, or is my machine now parked there forever?
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