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Banksia Slayer

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Everything posted by Banksia Slayer

  1. Sounds like a bug. The ore veins seems to be a bit buggy in general. In the Direwolf19 server, all the veins disappeared, except in the nether, where the regular resets bring them back somehow.
  2. Good news. Best mod pack - it has trains. RFtools dimensions bug fixes were badly needed. And good to see spawn is fully repaired. Would love to check it out, but sadly I'm still locked out of the server by a bad chunk I accidentally created (yes I've tried the tp to spawn purchase in the store - didn't help). Update: hang on, I can get in now. Did the update fix it? No idea if the bad chunk is still there (I spawned at spawn), but I'm not going back to find out.
  3. Hello. I'm still crashing the Server whenever I load in. Any idea when you might be able to assist? I suspect a moderator needs to remove the bad block near my location, or remove the Builder that's attempting to remove that bad block. I tried your 'unstuck' feature in the store, but for some reason, that didn't help.
  4. That doesn't look good. Unfortunately I'm out of ideas. Hopefully the Admins will be able to help us both, my train probably needs fixing by now. Until then, I'm having fun testing out some stuff (offline) in the new Direwolf 1.20 modpack, it's got some cool new stuff. I just hope it has fewer bugs...
  5. Sorry I'm not what you mean. Why the error message when you say it works now? Are you getting that message, or are you able to log in? I've seen that error before, but if I retry it goes away.
  6. OK, then it is probably something in the base. Do you remember who the claim belonged to? It's unlikely you're near the bad spot I accidentally created, I think that would have crashed your game as soon as you approached. But there are a few bases where players accidentally made things that crash the server. Have you tried the "unstuck" feature from the store? Should teleport you to spawn offline, might fix your problem, but didn't work for me. I've had the same problem as you for more than a week, hopefully the Admins can help soon, but I think they're a bit short staffed, it can take a while to get help with this server.
  7. Oh no. You too. Are you near someone's base? I have the same problem. I encountered a bug with the builder and now I can't join the server.
  8. Update. I've tried the unstuck feature from your store. Server still crashes when I log in.
  9. Hello I'm crashing the Server again, this time I tried using the RFtools builder to copy a structure containing some Domun Ornamentum panels. It placed a wood panel instead, but something's wrong with it. When I attempted to remove it, the Server crashed, and now crashes whenever I load in. Any assistance would be welcome, I am effectively banned from the server. Presumably, any other player who gets near the location will also have problems.
  10. Hello I've found an interesting problem with the custom dimensions. As you already know, they are reset every week. You are probably also aware that this removes any teleportation system present in them - making them inaccessible. What you may not know is that they bug out when this happens: not only are they inaccessible, but any attempt to delete them and re-generate a fresh one (using the dimension editor), instantly crashes the server. In practice, this means that any dimlet combination can only be used until the following Friday, then it is forever useless. It's possible this is unavoidable - I assume there is a reason why you reset the dimensions, maybe this mod is just too buggy. But let me know if you think there is a fix for this.
  11. The new and improved RfTools dimensions is a cool mod. Hard to get started though. I've succesfully made a dimension where the ground is Certus Quartz, and another where the ground is full of tunnels - a miners dream. I can't upload screenshots The website is insisting they're too big, even though file explorer says they're only 1 MB. Hoping I'll get a lost cities dimension, but that may be harder. Main problem is the bug with matter receivers. They get bugged out during the Friday data reset and can't be dialed, making the dimension inaccessible. This also means if you enscribe a dimension that someone else already made, it won't show up in the dialing device. New dimensions work tho. If you made a dimension that's become inaccessible, use TNT in the dimension editor to reset it.
  12. Awesome to hear. I'm looking forward to building my first insect-based logistics system. Hopefully the Antsportation mod isn't too buggy
  13. Are there any plans to start a server for the new Direwolf 1.20 modpack, or even to switch one of the existing Direwolf servers to this modpack? Direwolf 1.19 is quite good, due to a number of new mods, but that server is pretty dead sadly. The 1.20 Direwolf modpack looks like it has even more new mods. Hopefully it's less buggy tho.
  14. Hello Any idea when spawn might get fixed? It's been a while now.
  15. I should've suggested this sooner perhaps, but have you guys ever used the Lost Cities option for world gen. in the Revelations server? Makes for quite a different early game.
  16. Server is running much better now. One of the moderators finally got the permissions necessary to start fixing things. The player who was repeatedly griefing spawn, and lagging the server with his massive Integrated Dynamics setup, has been banned. The removal of part of his base has massively improved server performance. As of yesterday, we're just waiting for spawn to be fixed.
  17. Yeah it happened like 2 days ago, for the fourth time. Admin already know about it and the player responsible has now been banned. Should be fixed soon.
  18. Ok. The problems seem to be resolved now. The server's running much better (thanks Veber). Some vandalism was necessary tho. Basically the Server was being massively overburdened by two things: The first problem was people leaving their quarries force-loaded and running all the time, including people who haven't been on the server in ages. One of them was quarrying a whole area of the overworld (not cool). This was fixed by de-loading the force-loaded chunks (mostly). Hopefully players can be more considerate in future, and remember that the RFTools builder has a filter slot, using it means you can only quarry what you need with much less impact on the server. If you need stone, a cobblestone generator works just fine, you can then make a passive smelting setup to turn it into stone. The other problem was Integrated Dynamics (ID). Veber can correct me if I'm wrong but to my understanding, every network of Integrated Dynamics blocks is regularly checking itself, and they're very good at staying chunkloaded, so every ID network ever built on the server was checking itself all the time. It doesn't seem to matter what the network is doing, but a larger ID network (one with more readers, writers, and interfaces) has more impact on the server. Basically, using Integrated Dynamics for a few specialised tasks like item storage or autocrafting is OK, but if you make a massive network with hundreds of blocks that is doing energy distribution to all your machines and item transfer all around your base, you're going to cause lag. Better to use other mods for power cables and pipes I'd say, and use ID only for the complicated stuff. Now, I'm gonna get back to base repairs. We didn't discover the really big ID networks that were lagging the server until after mine had sustained some Mod. inflicted wrath. Edit: well the server was running much better, it's a bit laggy again now. Hopefully it's just my ping.
  19. Sorry. Don't have discord as yet. Does this forum have direct messaging? I'm in Australia, so I'm usually on the server around 10am - 2pm GMT, that's evening for me.
  20. Awesome. Will you need me to be on the server at the same time to find the problem, or can you investigate regardless?
  21. Hello it's me again. Somethings happened to spawn again, it's really been wrecked this time. Not sure how, but it looks like someone ripped into it with a quarry multiple times. No sure how though. Never a dull moment in this server. Would attach screenshots but the website is insisting they're too big.
  22. Having tried some things. I can give some additional info. As you may already know, the slowness is from a drop in the number of server ticks per second. I've been measuring this, and it actually gets worse the longer I'm logged in. Starting at the usual 20, the tps quickly drops to around 15, and continues to decrease to around 6 tps after about 10 minutes or so. If I log out and re-connect, this trend is reset. So it would look like I'm somehow putting serious load on the server, just be being on, and it seems to accumulate. Still no idea what could do this, normally my base would be the main suspect. But we've tested that again. If other players visit my base while I'm logged out, no such lag occurs.
  23. Hello It's me again. Your chief bug-catcher. It now appears that whenever I'm on the server, it slows down, all machines and mobs are running in slow motion (players still move at normal speed, makes killing mobs easy). Looks like some kind of lag. Any idea what could cause this. I initially thought it something in my base, but leaving my base doesn't seem to help (no chunks in my base are force-loaded), wherever I go the Server's still slow, even leaving my backpack behind doesn't help, but Server recovers as soon as I leave. Is there some kind of data associated with me that could slow down the server like this?
  24. OK, thanks for clarifying. So that means that any other teleport system we add in the dimension will be deleted when it's reset: that complicates things. Do you know roughly how often these dimensions are reset? Are we talking days, weeks, or months? I still don't understand why the matter recievers are broken when the Friday data reset happens, but Bruny's changes didn't fix that. I'll have to make another train, see if they still get deleted.
  25. Sorry I've just realised I didn't say what Server I'm in. It;s the DireWolf20 1.19 server, and the data reset doesn't appear to have changed. The same stuff has been reset. Has something not worked or were you forced to revert to the previous settings? On a positive note, that RFtools dimensions appear to no longer be protected, so at least we are able to set up different teleporters to retain access to them. Do these dimensions that we can create get reset like the Nether does? Edit: Integrated Dynamics data is no longer reset, so something has changed. Immersive Engineering and RFtools were still reset, not sure about Create.
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