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dvdfirstboy last won the day on August 22 2023

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  1. The RStone clan it full of kids that have nothing to do than cry the entire day in chat and simp over Undertakerin. They ve been crying since her base got /is locked that it my fault and blablablabla... Then they called me a duper bcs i was rich since i made my farms and autocrafting system while they were just stealing items from undertakerin base xD. Then they called me a griefer and accused me of griefing her base i didn't do anything and i explained them that her base was lagging the server, i made forum post about it and because of the forum post her base got shrinked so if you want to call that griefing then yes, i griefed her bas. I never said that i for real griefed her base or anything like that. I didn't even touched 1 patch of grass from her base, i even called her when a crafting terminal was missing in her base, i was the one who removed the gravitational anomaly's in her base when it happened. I never duped anything and the keys that i found i gave them away to undertakerin, i didn't keep anything. No point opening keys since the loot is not good from them, so no. I haven't duped any keys.
  2. Yikes, check the chat log. The discussion was between me and Shadowninja6299 " I said, i did not grief her base but i m the one who made a forum ticket about her base and because of me her base got shrinked so if you want to call that grief, then yes i griefed her base" I never said that i griefed her base and i never touched her base xD And what dupes keys? I gave the duped keys that i found to undertakerin weeks ago
  3. [1] In-Game Username: -(dvdfirstboy)- [2] Details of Situation: -(No idea why i got banned, it says dupe and grief which i did not lol. I haven't even entered the server today and for the past week ive been afk in my base)- [3] Ban Category: -(Griefing and duping)- [4] Ban Duration: -(1 week until 06.09.2023)- [5] Staff Member: -(No idea ? Probably undertakerin ?)- [6] ScreenShots: -(https://imgur.com/a/WjZ0RTV)- [7] Your Reason: -(I don't know what reason, lol. I haven't done anything lol, not even being online)- Also i would like to know what happened since just me being afk is causing griefing and duping lol
  4. In-Game Nickname: dvdfirstboy Your username (Optional): - Time and Date: 21.08.2023, i don't remember the time Description of what happened: from 19.08.2023 I had an argue with Undertakerin telling her base that it lagging the server and to /is lock it, she refused etc.etc. 2 Days later her base gets grief and I get banned 1 week without her actually checking if i had anything to do with it or not xD. After 4h later i get /unbanned after she realized that "she didn't have proof" which I believe it actually "I made a mistake, you are not guilty someone lese was responsible of it" but since we discuss with a child instead of a grown adult these words won't come out of her mouth xD Screenshots or Proof: https://imgur.com/Zdghdpu List of eyewitnesses: Entire server ? How can we get banned or whatever sanctions we receive without her actually doing her job. She had 1 task to perform, to investigate who did it and instead she instantly bans me xD
  5. As a fact, you can destroy the smeltery. You don't see the point and it so frustrating how can you be so blind and how can your mind/brain not work xD it just amazing. YOU instead of focusing on what actually lags the server which is your base and other big bases around this game, YOU are focusing on a redstone signal that loads and I explain you from POV of a game tester and a software tester which i actually work as and i do it very good if you were wondering, the redstone signal creates redstone tick and chunks have chunk tick which both lead to the TPS of the server. Redstone signal/tick might be 1% of the chunk tick if not even less. So you instead of focusing at what is important you are focusing on the most unimportant factor of the game. Example: African kids dies of hunger and the lack of drinkable water and you instead of focus on that you focus on the fact that they don't have pillows to sleep at night. Thats the last issue you should be focusing at xD I explained you this thing more than 3 times and you refuse to use your brain and act childish when the whole server asked you to lock your base ! EVEN MORE, ME - flying like a "complete idiot" on your island and hanners island, imitates the bunch of players that are staying in your bases on a daily basis and use the base and run away checking the things. SOOOOOOO....that means....the exact lag that i create it the exact lag the other players are creating when using your base, because they won't fly intentionally around the island they will go and use the spawners and check your island and when they do that the SERVER LAGS. The scenario where multiple players are in your base it happens daily ! So every day we encounter little dvdboys running around that island without knowing what they do. And when i tell them in chat STOP GOING TO UNDERTAKERIN BASE, no one listen....because there is a smart woman on this server who put a note on /market telling them to go there for free items, and most of the players are kids who don't want to farm their items so they will go straight there. Check logs for the past 3-4 days (if possible a week) for how many /is spawn Undertakerin have been used only from the RStone clan xD. Stop reading between the lines and actually understand the message because it not written in another language, it english. Also, like i said i don't care about your base or anyones base but as long as it lags the server then it not good. And like i said in the other ticket stop replying (ME or YOU) and let higher ranks to take care of it. OFC, things would've been so easily handled by a normal person just by /is lock the island, but since in here we discuss with a person who doesn't know what TICK and TPS actually means it hard to actually have a conversation.
  6. There are multiple moderators on the server for example Undertakerin or Hanners42 that have giant bases. When their chunks are being loaded the whole server lags as hell (tps under 5) making the game unplayable. Explaining them resulted in nothing the lag is there no matter if it temporary or permanent. If a normal player would've done that his base would've been erased but since we discuss about staff there is a whole new story. If you stay still in their bases, tps is at 20. You move a few chunks, tps at 0-5. Moral of the story, play the game without moving (even if they built tons of spawners to give players free items) To make the problem at a normal scale there is a note on /market that tells ppl to go to undertakerin island for free items. That makes tons of players to go to her base non-stop, all of them running like crazy and loading chunks creating TEMPORARY LAG that leads in a permanent one since there are constantly players there. When this problem has been explained to her and the other moderators of course that she denies it and she admitted it only temporary lag that doesn't affect the server...Meanwhile..... THERE IS A WHOLE SERVER COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS LAG ISSUE THAT HAS BEEN CAUSED BY THEIR BASES AND AN EASY SOLUTION IS TO /IS LOCK THE ISLAND. BUT SINCE MODERATORS FROM CRAFTERSLAND ARE NOT HERE TO HELP THE SERVER AND ACTUALLY TO AGGRAVATE THE ISSUES THE CONSTANT REFUSE OF THEM TO LOCK THE ISLAND LEAD US HERE ON THE FORUM MAKING TICKETS AGAINST THEM. Not a single player in this entire world will build the spawners that she has in her base so the EXCUSE that if her base wouldn't be there the players will built it on their own it just a lie to cover the trash base that lags the server. SIDE NOTE: THERE IS NO NEED FOR A FULL FLOOR OF GLOWSTONE AND WOODEN PLANKS TO RENDER EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE MOVES IN HER BASE, ALSO THE SPAWNERS COULD'VE BEEN VERTICALLY BUILD AND THEN ONLY 3 CHUNKS WOULD'VE BEEN REQUIRED SO THEY WILL BE CHUNK LOADED ALL THE TIME SO THE LAG WILL NOT BE THERE ANYMORE. ALSO THERE IS NO NEED FOR 9 CROP FARMS THAT ARE 15X15 WITH FULL CRYSTAL GROWTH(THIS AGAIN LAGS THE SERVER), THERE IS NO NEED FOR 150 LASERS IF YOU HAVE THE CROP FARM(THIS AGAIN LAGS THE SERVER) Being childish it more fun instead of actually be staff but I swear that craftersland has the worst staff I have ever seen my entire life sadly.
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