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Everything posted by Thatcrazyflyguy

  1. Unfortunatly that screenshot doesn't tell us enough. Next time you are killed on claim we need a screenshot of the death screen and then if necessary another showing us the chat feed. As is we cannot use even the death position you have on your screen as you abandoned all claims shortly after being killed. T/C
  2. Now as I close this out. Just remember around the time this all started and you got so mad. Remember the 2 people you told you would keep killing till they left the server (i doubt you cared enough to remember them) because you didn't like them. There the ones that reported it. I do not feel sorry for anything i've done to you through these posts as you have felt nothing for the people, you don't care about and slaughter and you care little what rules you violate in doing so. Not friendly pvp. The ones you slaughter. T/C
  3. stand on your claim and do /claiminfo you will get a list of people that you allowed builder, access, and/or trust.
  4. Your playerdata has been reset and your claim has been deleted! Have a great day! o/ T/C
  5. This just truly shows the depths of how idiotic you are. The curse of possesion thing predates my adminship. 2 I don't have to recommend you do a rollback thats on you shows again how much of an idiot you are cause you obviously can't learn. We already explained what teleportation pertained to and a manager even confirmed to you we had more than enough evidence. You know you did it and how. Trying to say the rules are vague when they aren't shows again how much of an idiot you are. This talk of biased again shows how much of an idiot you are. You keep to the same shit knowing it won't work. You might as well be insane. Just so you know stupid and dumb still imply you can learn. Idiot implies you're at your cap and you won't be going past it. But, then again your reading and comprehension skills at every turn have left incredibly much to be desired.
  6. Well you deserve being called dumb cause tpkilling isn't based on the command as we showed you in the rules it pertains to TELEPORTATION (tp is its shortform) hope you can actually read that with your low reading comprehension skills. Also there is such a thing as bugging it. Read the rules for Rule 10. You have to serve your term. Jailtime is only supposed to tick down while your online. The logs show you clearly didn't do this. So I don't give a flying F what you think your dumb for thinking you could do that and get away with it. So you have been properly punished IRREGARDLESS of what you beleive. You filed a refund request. Perfect filed a rollback. Which as we told maknight yesturday curse of possession invalidates the refund/rollback. Which several of you guys are using to exploit a bug. Which we havn't decided yet if we need to enforce the bug abuse rule on. So you can keep lieing about waiting out your jailtime and saying you didn't use teleportation to kill people in the other one which u clearly did. But, we aren't that dumb and its not gonna work. As I said in the previous comment ban stays. T/C
  7. Jail time only counts down when your online unless you bug it. We already know of the bug your not the first and several others have let us know about it recently. Playing dumb like you did with tp killing in the past will not avail you here either. Ban stays.
  8. Because of how bound axes work this will not be possible. Refund denied. T/C
  9. If you have video evidence of the contents of the bag and you setting it down then we will do this and/or a refund due to how long it been. Otherwise this will be denied.
  10. No evidence was presented request denied. T/C
  11. It is a feature of the trinkets mod that if ur holdn a trinket when u click the trinket button it deletes it. If you have video evidence of the event i'll refund it despite it not being a bug otherwise it will be denied.
  12. Yes if you remember correctly you were caught cheating around the time this was requested last time. As per our rules everything of yours was wiped. Request denied. T/C
  13. There is already one of these in the ticket system closing it as duplicate T/C
  14. You will need to provide video evidence that this event occured. Along with a showing at some point in the video of the inventory.
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