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Wolf_Raven_ last won the day on April 7 2024

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  1. this is a bit old do you still need the rollback?
  2. when I'm on next I will refund it
  3. players issue fixed locked.
  4. sorry for the very late reply dose this still need taken care of?
  5. it looks like you died in a rftool world is what its saying. i would recomend a inventory rollback do to the nature of the death, and the amount of items lost. please make a inventory rollback request.
  6. a bit late of a reply but the easyest way to do that is rf tool worlds by using a flat card with a jugle biome it makes it so you can find the temples way more often
  7. im sorry you feel that way. if you ever feel harassed by players 1 individual or multiple let staff know take screen shots for evidence and we will take care of that. we do not tolerate trolling harassment or making nice people feel un wanted.
  8. is the problem still happening?
  9. make a rollback request
  10. there is no such quest. i have gone through and beat every single quest iev found that was just a long grind of killing a million wizirds and sorting through books to find the right one
  11. is this still an issue?
  12. I would make a ticket for a rollback idk why that would happen
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