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Everything posted by HiR0B0MBiDAS_

  1. you was told to make a ticket in rlcraft so go there.
  2. make a proper ticket in the rlcraft server section, not at vanilla servers.
  3. denied.
  4. You can use the links above if the download doesn't start, or in the launcher post, go down and you will find them.
  5. Hello, you can upload the pictures as b0nksss said in the imgur page and paste here the link or direct message me in discord if its better for you and allows you to do so. https://imgur.com/
  6. Rollback is complete, let me know if everything went as it should.
  7. locked for duplication post.
  8. The shield has been refunded and placed in your inventory, next time please have better evidence.
  9. Do you have any evidence of this?
  10. Make a ban appeal.
  11. Hello, Travobot99 has been punished for his actions and both your items and olicrm has been returned.
  12. Player has been punished.
  13. Hello, please provide the evidence.
  14. Transfered to GTNH.
  15. Hello, is this for GTNH server? Here is RLC forums.
  16. First of all you steal the base from this "girl" or whatever as the claim was yours and you untrusted her. You got banned for playing with cheats and i have clear logs for our staff members and this is why your friends base was removed that you was living there. Also your friend got a warning for having an xp farm underneath your guys base (since the claim was his) I explained all this to your friend but he was stuck at asking me over and over again and camping/claim killing people, next time both you and your friend will be in bigger troubles, also i would suggest you and your friend to read the rules at: Have a nice day!
  17. Items has been refunded and placed in your inventory
  18. Firstly i don't even understand why you send a message using chat gpt, also you can't hatch ender dragon eggs.
  19. Be more careful next time and read the rules. Your ban ends in 4 days. Denied.
  20. You should be more careful next time but i have to deny your unban request and i hope you understand. I don't know if it was forgoten or not, used or not, but hacks are hacks and they are not allowed. Denied.
  21. Rollback is complete, log in and let me know.
  22. Make an unban request not command.
  23. Turn off your VPN and try again.
  24. "i just love rlcraft and i spent so much money and time on the server already" Before you spend so much time and money in a server, first ready the rules. You broke a lot of PVP rules, did a lot of spawn pvp and tp kills as i already told in your previous ban appeal. Denied.
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