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Everything posted by HiR0B0MBiDAS_

  1. You broke a lot of "PVP" rules and after your permanent ban you decided to evade. Denied.
  2. You are unbanned by now and as we spoke in private messages, you understood what you have done and that it was a mistake. Please be more careful with creative in the future and try to not break the rules.
  3. World edit added, the other request cannot be added. Please be aware that all usage is monitored. Any misuse of WorldEdit will lead to the revocation of commands, and subsequent requests for commands will be declined.
  4. After considering the situation that happened, i decided to retrieve your items/base since you died in spawn and the others took your items and dupe them and you got rolled back with same items. Ban is already been expired by now anyways.
  5. If you had duplicated items from a rollback, you should report it to a staff member and not hide them. Denied.
  6. Hello, finishing has been disabled due to a bug with the mod making some fish corrupted. Fishing hopefully will come back when the mod will be updated.
  7. Please stop acting innocent, all your offenses are legit. You gave away items with "spawn in" tag as you also did creative tag bypass. Don't you also remember the armor/weapons you "spawned" with 100 stats? The creative will not be given, Denied.
  8. As stated in the previous poll for the same person, you can't create polls/votes to remove someone from the server. Topic closed.
  9. You can't make a vote/poll to remove a player from the server, players gets removed by breaking the rules therefore this topic is closed.
  10. Player has been punished for his actions.
  11. Hello, items has been refunded and you can find them inside of your enderchest. Have a nice day!
  12. Denied.
  13. First of all this is a unban request and you are clearly not banned. As we say you should be careful who you trust, if admsirred trusted you and you cought cheating his base will be wiped same as yours and in this case it's his fault for trusting you and your fault for cheating. Denied.
  14. Hello, thanks for making the report, player has been punished. Let me know if you lost any items due to that death.
  15. First of all i would suggest you to read the rules, based on community rule 8, down you can clearly see that "Griefing Spawn is a Permanent Ban" and i think you didn't knew about it until me and other people told that in discord RLC chat. Now, because of the situation and because you don't have any other punishments i will Unban you to enjoy the fresh wipe. Read the rules. Enjoy the server.
  16. This base has been wiped because a trusted member was using cheats. There would be no claim rollback, and i would suggest you to be careful who you trust.
  17. Hello, the money has been already transferred from your old account to new thru a ticket you made in discord.
  18. Good luck.
  19. Inventory Rollback has been completed via Discord ticket system.
  20. Hello, a wipe will happen when ever the owner decides to do so. All you can do is be patient and wait for a vote to come up.
  21. Its 4 chunks, the chunk you are in and 3 in each direction.
  22. Hello, the render distance is locked so it can't be changed.
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