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  1. Name: v3ect0r Coordinates: 6852 102 4411 Time: 7:46 PM EST Died in claim because someone accidently killed me, grave didn't spawn.
  2. 1.7 Had a sponge forge issue, but we just released 1.7a which fixes that, still a stable release, not beta or alpha
  3. I am a Nomifactory-Ceu dev and i think it would be a good idea to update the server, maybe also add the addon mod for fluid auto crafting, and pin a message on this discord server explaining how to add it. If not still update the server, it fixes so many bugs, adds a ton of new features, this is the change log: https://github.com/Nomi-CEu/Branding/blob/main/Nomi CEu/Releases/1.7/FULL_CHANGELOG.md. Also i don't think the server should be wiped for this update as a lot of active players haven't beaten it yet.
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