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Infinity Moderator
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About ZeeNiFF

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ZeeNiFF's Achievements

  1. There is currently around 5-10 active players that range different time zones so you may be missing players due to time of play. However the year mark of last wipe is coming up in may. Time of wipe will be decided on a poll in forums so keep an eye open for that poll to appear and definately include your input! There wont be any further information on the exact date of wipe as it is up to the owner.
  2. Account Name: ZeeNiFF Rank: S+ , Mod Requested Commands^: /Effect Reason for Request*: Can use effect of resize to shrink down and run around in smaller tighter areas(even smaller than 1x1 block areas). This can help by being able to run along small area lines, potentially looking for breaks in cables or ducts etc more easily identifying where problems and issues could occur when assisting others.
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