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Everything posted by Newlumberjack

  1. Placed additional set of Paper Walls due to miscalculation
  2. Refunded to player Condoriano42. T/C
  3. Emerald Bookstore is on the back burner for my list, so it will be hopefully set up eventually
  4. A vote for RLC Dregora would be left up to brunyman and the RLC staff.
  5. @bottleofsyrupSorry for butting in, but it appears to be the machine hosting the direwolf servers, oceanblock, and sf4 is having some pretty nasty lag issues. Trying to resolve what we can. @Shadowdragonnerun /ping and see what your ping is.
  6. You can report a bug via messaging a Direwolf 1.20 staff member, or by contacting a manager.
  7. Island transferred to user ZushiYum Any issues please let me know below. T/C
  8. Items refunded to player Nagaro_ Closed T/C
  9. - Maybe adding mekanism alloys and stuff depending on the crate level?
  10. Ever since the Craftersland SF4 stuff came out, the key crates have absolutely sucked. We need some changes to it, its hot garbage. But what should the rewards be?
  11. Please use a inventory roleback post shown above by the salad dude
  12. This is not my section of strength but I believe parts of this are being withheld from the staff. ^ This is the complaint post as well. There was also a argument that broke out in the discord that contained many slurs and rude names. @JebacBydgoszcz and @ManYouForgot
  13. Items refunded to player IceFireFoxx ingame. Also just a reminder, please try to provide screenshots whenever you make a roleback posts.
  14. Hi there, please follow this guidelines so we can assist you
  15. Commands should now be functional.
  16. Account Name: Newlumberjack Rank: Sponsor+ Requested Commands^: /time set, /skull, /enchant, /gm 3, /god, /give, /fly, /anvil, /kittycannon, etc. Reason for Request*: - time set - sometimes you need night for example the astral sorcery - skull - to give a specific skull when you need one for deco, etc. - enchant - to enchant an item without using tons of books - gm 3 - to go invis and to check things in the farms, etc. without demolishing the farm, etc. - god - explains itself? - give - to give an item - fly Simple - anvil - to use an anvil while you're anywhere - kittycannon - Jebac, give me something you stole from me - any random or other command that is cool can i have please lol *Sidenote, yes this was stolen from under, toasty told me to copy and paste it, also this is mostly the same commands but i need to repost it due to the hack.)
  17. Spawn along with SF4 has been reset.
  18. I believe he had access to manager commands, maybe not the panel itself, because he banned Jebac whom I believe is just Admin on SF4.
  19. The Minecraft SF4 server was hacked and all islands are wiped. We are currently awaiting Brunyman to fix it.
  20. Their is currently a hacker inside of SF4 that has banned all staff, removed Jebacs access to his pannel, and probably deleted the files. @brunymanplease come back, or atleast give us a update.
  21. Just a update. He was removed from the discord, I have absolutely no clue if he was banned. I will foward this post to rlc admins.
  22. Haha, make sure to double check you things before spawning in withers. lol.
  23. Please use the proper template and then staff will be able to help you!
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