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KragAap last won the day on July 12 2024

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About KragAap

  • Birthday 05/28/2002

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  1. None of the spawn shop signs are working. The sign seems to have a 'i' in front of the "buy" on the sign for ex. [iBuy]. I am not sure whether or not that is intended.
  2. My reactor might not be the most stable thing ever haha. However, I believe it might have just been pure coincidence that Banksia and Riis tried to join at the same time, with Riis being the one with the bugged chunk. Either that, or Banksia got close enough to Riis town, loading the bugged chunk as well.
  3. I believe a server update could help resolve a lot of these issues. Especially with mekanism causing quite a lot of issues.
  4. Edit: Bees have been added to spawn shop, however, it would appear that the vanilla bees won't enter their hives at all.
  5. I have no clue! But all I know is that it works! My best bet would be that it forces the client to use a certain protocol when trying to connect to the server.
  6. The only chunkloader would be my digital miner, however that only starts loading chunks once I have manually loaded the chunk that the digital miner is in. It is in the mining dimension.
  7. "Internal Exception: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset"
  8. My client does not crash at all. Whenever I attempt to join and get to the loading terrain part of the process, I get the error "server closed."
  9. Every time I join the server it crashes. The last thing I did was teleport to my digital miner in the mining dimension. I used the buycraft unstuck package, however I am not sure whether that worked, since the buycraft on this server is bugged. Either way, teleporting me to spawn could be a possible fix / the other option would be an inventory roll back to the date/time: Friday July 5th, 10am central time. IGN: KragAap
  10. I have found this bug with the mining gadgets as well. The workaround is to use the magnet upgrade on your mining gadget and you should be good to go.
  11. Yes, that should be it! The Java Runtime arguments found in the modpack settings.
  12. Yea the buycraft for the 1.20 DW server has been really buggy overall. With issues like not receiving daily rewards, or ranks not being activated. This definitely needs to be looked into.
  13. In the discord, I suggested this fix: Add the following line to your java prelaunch arguments for the modpack: -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true 2 people tried this and it fixed the issue for them.
  14. Update: It worked on my third attempt. Used ender dust this time instead of an ender pearl.
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