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Everything posted by thebogdan2000

  1. Wait, so Mojo is Arino? Long time no see.
  2. なんであなたはこれを翻訳した?

  3. Nope, I'm not playing this video because of the picture that shows up.
  4. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows~ ♪ WHY IS THIS SONG SO CATCHY?
  5. I always thought of a "real life" server, but I don't think it will work.
  6. Thank you for making this server. It reminds me of the old times.
  7. The amount of sloths in this topic is too damn high. This is turning into "Random Sloths"
  8. Arino, what happened to your profile picture? I found a picture of you on the internet, you can use it if you want.
  9. I would like to press it but there are people in the room. XD What is it?
  10. You're post-hunting on every category, not just General Discussions.
  11. Nope, it's just a "Cocalar". They are common (pokemons) in Romania
  12. I think Meinkraft would be better.
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