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Posts posted by mygod23

  1. After the wipe, all players found out that if we dragged items out of furnace, it crashed server. The solution is to shift + left click to get a stack of items or use Hopper, itemducts or pipes to extract items out. However, new players still crashed server because they are not careful or not joined Discord. But last week @FrozenWind_ found out that after he removed the Bogo sort mod and replaced with inventory tweaker, he can drag items out of furnace without crashing server.

    The Bogo sort also not worked since the wipe, should we removed it from the modpack and replaced with inventory tweak on Craftersland launcher?


    p/s: also there are multiple corrupted chunks after world generation, if players moved to those chunks it also crashed server. Can any admins check log and reroll the chunk so it will not cause server crash?

  2. Your Name: RotoOmegaX
    Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 Terminal (HV) - rewards from Quest book
    Coordinates: x 329; z 1236
    Description of Issue: I place it on my separate chest previously but looks like right after that the server reboot due to crash somehow delete it.
    Screenshots (Optional): 

  3. UPDATEFOR ANYONE NOT ON DISCORD: Server wiped yesterday. However, its not stable yet and functional sign not worked so you cannot random tp or purchased anything from spawn yet. Please wait for official announcement or you can go and play, but considered make your base 700-1000+ blocks away from spawn to prevent base deletion due to spawn rollback

  4. I don't make this topic for myself because I'm playing in offline mode. But on Discord there are a lot of players showed or posting memes about their frustration of waiting server to be wiped since after the wipe poll closed there were a void in information, even one theorized that there is a bias between Gregtech: New Horizon and Nomifactory. I just make this post with the hope that @brunyman can give us some status about the wipe (does it be hindered by background problems or the estimate time until the complete wipe) so they can decided whether they will returned to play or keep waiting.

  5. On 5/17/2023 at 5:58 PM, warriorkillerx said:


    I'm new to crafter's land. I have some question:
    1. When will be nomicraft server be reset?

    2. When will be reset there will be the possibility to download the map and player data?

    3. I searched for in game commands but I didn't find the command to spawn in my hand the quest book, there is some?

    Thank you

    Sorry for late but:

    1. Server will be rolled back and upgrade soon, when you see Brunyman's post its a signal (even though its not 100% sure to be wiped - Like Infinity Evolved)

    2. Yes, you can download the map but not playerdata

    3. You can bound the key to open it, its easier than holding the book

  6. On 9/6/2023 at 7:57 PM, HappyN0x said:

    The comment was removed due to gaslighting and harassment, but it's important to address the concerns raised about our server.

    Chunk Loading Issue: We've conducted in-game tests to replicate the chunk loading error but were unable to do so, as discussed in the approved topic.

    Nomifactory Guide Post: Regarding the guide post for Nomifactory, it was not hidden by a staff warning. It appears that spam prevention mechanisms likely flagged it automatically. I have re-enabled that post.

    Rollbacks and Broken Spawns: I understand the frustration regarding rollbacks and broken spawns. Brunyman has made multiple attempts to resolve the rollback issue. Unfortunately, due to hardware anomalies or other unforeseen factors, the rollback feature is currently unstable on that server. We believe that migrating to a new server could resolve this issue.

    Staff Access and System Upgrades: In addition to resolving technical issues, moving to a new server will enable a more effective system that allows staff members to gain access. I understand that the current situation is frustrating for both players and staff—especially for admins like myself, who receive requests to fix issues but are unable to do so. This has also been a reason for some staff members to discontinue their roles on that server. We're actively working on improvements, even if progress is slow, and are gradually migrating all servers to the new system.

    Staff Commitment: It's important to remember that the staff team consists of volunteers who manage and maintain the server in their free time. They don't owe anyone an explanation for not being able to fix issues in a timely manner. While it's natural to want to enjoy a seamless gaming experience, we should respect the lives and responsibilities of our staff. They have their own families and obligations, and immediate issue resolution may not always be feasible.

    About the Guide post, I appreciated you have undelete it. However, I never post on General box but directly to guide box because I believed that new players will looking for that section. The build is put on the same version, same mod with server at that time (the other two one was hardcore mods and one come from the ancient era when you can make sulfuric acid with water, oxygen and sulfur on chemical reactor) also it was very enjoyable and if they want more, they can find on that channel the clip that turned Nomifactory to legend: A 100 Nomifactory server with even the creator of Gregtech participated in (If anyone look to the orbital laser on JEI, the description of it is "Glory to the PGS" referenced to the end of this server, PGS team craft a bunch of this thing to grief entire server). The post cannot be automatically moved by bots from one section to another because I have checked and confirmed that it was on Guide section before I go to sleep. But 12h later I come and saw it was moved to Discussion. 

    About the rollback of spawn, I believed there is one template for spawn since in everytime, every server the spawn is the same after wipe. The one that I mentioned on my post is that many items inside the spawn which were griefted before cannot be purchased because the sign just the sign, not the command. 

    Staff Access and System Upgrades: This is the real issue only for this server, the server is running without specified Admin to it, 2 mods cannot performed the rollback if players have trouble. So I said at the end that the server require at least S-mod or admin who can do the rollback. First week after wipe maybe the busiest week of this time since the modpack also upgraded to 1.6 which mean multiple problems will be survaced.

    Staff Commitment: About "They don't owe anyone an explanation for not being able to fix issues in a timely manner.", I'm affraid that you are not understand the situation on that day. When I posted a request to rollback spawn on Discord to make the progress faster, one Admin ping another, then the another said that he is on the vacation, then the admin that he will also and comments as they are laughing at me. This offence is the one cause me to drop a bomb on the previous post. And on the next incident very soon after the spawn rollbacked that I want a rollback, I also posted on Discord with the hope it will be noticed but he immediately ping me and said he is no longer with Nomifactory. Coincident? I don't think so. Also I understand that the situation may require time but at least a comment to tell the author that their problem is noticed is super rare?



    On 9/6/2023 at 7:57 PM, HappyN0x said:

    Chunk Loading Issue: We've conducted in-game tests to replicate the chunk loading error but were unable to do so, as discussed in the approved topic.

    WHERE? My topic is a free-farming post for MONTHS. If you have conducted why do you not mentioned me about it?

  7. 12 hours ago, brunyman said:

    Did you retest today? We did some testing yesterday and config tweaks, for us it worked fine but further testing may be needed

    Sorry I understand wrong on previous post, I just test and it looks like all Warts are working without disruption. I will let my account play for about an hour and retest again 

    p/s: looks like the chunk loading system is working well right now

  8. 7 hours ago, brunyman said:

    Hi, is the issue still present? We did some config tweaks. Also is it always happening or when are more players online?

    I just lose every hope that someone will answer this and prepare to make refund request

    The issue still present even though I am not only for a month because the server have no S-mod or staff that can access to server to fix it. The previous S-mod abandon this server like a coward when he saw the spawn rollback request. Also by the time I only, usually 2-5 or just me and it still happened. By the time of third bump, I lost 3 tier-7 miner and a bunch of LuV motor due to this

  9. I have bought 10 claimed blocks but now I cannot even use half of them. The reason is both Iron Blocks and Chunk Loading Ward methods cannot load the chunk if I stand outside of them (I repreat, stand outside of them, not even stand outside 3x3 chunk area around it) for 5 MINUTES. @sreny1 tried to help me by advise me to place iron block and use blaze rods to claim the chunk contained the ward but its only extended the time the ward can load the chunk. This broken my base completely, especially now I have to travel between the solar panels, ME drives and working chunks to load a work because I have 3-4 machines using ZPM voltage through 16A IV energy hatch right now just to craft the recipe and even that, the autocrafting system is broken because of this due to desync between processes (I already lost 3 tier five micro miner because the main chunk contained ME drive cannot load and the micro miner just mysteriously vanished aftyer be crafted and push back to the system). @brunyman please fix it, thank you very much and sorry for quote you again by Nomifactory has only sreny right now.

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