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fredened's Achievements


Newbie (1/26)



  1. Can u plz refund we are waiting a longtime The topic is Killed by overpowered zombie and you sad we got an refund

  2. You sad on my reaction on Overpowered zombie that it was done in sp he was killed on this server but the golden bags are filled in singelplayer so he doesn't needed to write all the items

    1. Maxstripe


      if they were filled in single player it is not sufficiant proof he had the items... stop trying to get items you didnt have

    2. fredened


      See he did that so he doesnt have to write everyting it was a lot faster

  3. can u read were are waiting for 3 days for a higher ranking staffhttp://forum.craftersland.net/topic/8468-the-screens/

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