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Rollback Request -Mrmalpa

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Account Name: mrmalpa

Island owner name: mrmalpa

Coordinates: x3800,z-1600,y150

Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]: 03.08.2016 late evening about the time of server changing


Description of Issue: I did a lot of changes and improwments during 1-3.08 and when i came back on 04.08 all was roled back couple days ,and back my progress. I was thinking that works witch servers has not been done yet and decide to come back for couple of days. But now it still look tha same.

If you canot turn my island to this date bocouse of this server changes please refound - rest i will rebuilt by maself:

-2 Vibrant Capacitor bank

-2 Capacitor bank

-128 minicio seeds

-32 earth seeds

-16 nether seeds

-2 lava generators tier x8

-4 auto hammers

-2 auto compressed hammers

-2 auto compressed sieves

- 4 solar panel tier 3

- 64 lapis blocks


thank you in advance

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