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@Brunyman World edit for victoraf33?


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I would like to have the plugin available for victoraf33 since in many occasions I have had friends and players that have been renamed several times (destruction). For the ocacion of helping those players who do not have creative or enough hours to be able to fix the badges (destruction), since most of the days there are only 3 administrators connected, available for your solution (GM + Helper Mod) and also The helpers or staff are few hours connected. I would like to have the World Edit plugin to help the players of the server who have had ageno damage to their properties and since I spend the great part of the day connected, estimated 9 hours, I wait for your answer

Test images of the labels: https://s27.postimg.org/5o2fie8kj/2016_12_19_20_41_38.png



Quisiera tener el plugin disponible para victoraf33 ya que en barias ocaciones e tenido amigos y jugadores que en varias ocaciones an sido grifeados (destruccion). para la ocacion de ayudar a esos jugadores que no tienen creativo o las suficientes horas para poder arreglar los grifeos (destruccion), ya que la mayoria de los dias solo hay 3 administradores conectados, disponibles para su solucion (GM+ Helper Mod) y que tambien los ayudantes o staff estan pocas horas conectados. Yo Quisiera tener el plugin World Edit para ayudar a los jugadores del server que an tenido daño ageno a sus propiedades y ya que paso la gran parte del dia conectado, estimadamente 9 horas, espero su respuesta

imagenes de prueba de los grifeos: https://s27.postimg.org/5o2fie8kj/2016_12_19_20_41_38.png



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