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[Rollback Request] Yusixs

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IGN: Yusixs 
Island owner name: Yusixs
Coordinates: x: 12600, y: 160, z: -4200
Time/date: 12 hours ago before making this post [1:43 AM GMT+0]
Description of Issue: Logged on the server after some studying, found out that my ME drives looked empty. I proceeded on breaking and placing them and found out that i was just a visual glitch [breaking them dropped the storage cells contained in them even though it didn't show that there were any drives] but it seems that 2 of the ME drives didn't drop the storage cells after breaking them [Total 10 storage cells lost]. Thus, I am making this post in hopes to have the island rollbacked to its original condition.
Screenshots: Sorry, I didn't take any of my ME system as i didn't realize this would've happened.

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