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Sword of the Wyvern disappeared out of an Autonomous Activator


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Dear Staff team,

as the title says one of my "Sword of the Wyvern" swords (one in my inventory and one for an automatic wither skelleton farm) disappeared out of my Autonomous Activator. The sword gets pumped out of the Autonomous Activator when the energy on it gets low. It automaticly gets into a Vibrant Capacitator Bank where it will get charged again. I don't know how it disappeared but I think it was because my piping system with some "Item Conduits" (from Ender IO [ID: 5738]). I will change the sword in the autonomus with an Dark Steel Sword, but it would be good If I could get the "Sword of the Wyvern" [ID: 5631] refunded.

Ingame Nick: Granaz

Sincerely Granaz

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