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Rollback Request

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Account Name: dpfried
Island owner name: dpfried
-12194, 144, -4000
Time/date[time/date you want it rolled back to]: 3/11/2017 about 12:00am midnight
Description of Issue:



I accidentally posted this in the Tekkit forums... but there was a chest on my island that randomly emptied itself last friday evening/saturday morning.

Could you please roll my island back to before the chest did this? 

and i first noticed the emptied chest around 1am (EST) on Saturday 3/11/2017.

I voted around 11pm a couple hours before it, and the chest was not empty around that time.  So it probably happened sometime around midnight.



Well, just a bunch of random stuff and some vote rewards... i can't remember everything except the high value stuff like 48 nether stars, 3 stacks of exp potions, a couple golden apples.  Also, more importantly, it had the 2 saplings of each common variety (the reward from the 2nd challenge).  

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