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In-Game Nickname: stanislav1502

Person of complaint: AciiSwag

Time and date: 19:06   |  18.05.2017

Description of what happened: 

I created an RF Redstone dimension and went into it. While I was mining someone ( AciiSwag ) came into it, which startled me and caused me to kill him. After that I realised what I did apologised to him and did not take his stuff. He came back and I left him to pick them up. I turned around and proceeded to mine the Redstone when he stabbed me in the back. He was using a Cleaver and I had Bound Armor so I was not hurt a lot. I poked him with my Rapier as a way of telling him to stop. He then teleported away and I continued with my mining. He came back for revenge, armed with his own Rapier and killed me. When I did /back as soon as the dimension loaded I was instantaneously killed. I tried to go again and I did but this time he was gone and my grave was nowhere to be found.  I stayed in the dimension for at least an hour and, this may surprise you, every time the guy ( AciiSwag ) came in, he always killed me.
Under here I have included the Screenshots that I managed to take and also the ones showing my inventory from 2 days ago showing that I luckily had saved.



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