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[Refund Request] RoastedEU


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Account Name: RoastedEU

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful) Draconic Staff Of Power ID 5618. Soulbound enchant. Reaper V enchant. Looting 3 enchant. Decay enchant. And wrath enchant. about 6 wyvern cores ID 5638. around about 8 draconic cores ID 5637.

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: 17:45 19/05/2017


Description of Issue: I was maing void ingots and had just moved my staff off my hotbar into my inv to put the void seeds on my hotbar then as soon as i go to throw them in the crucible my inventory glitches and puts my staff back onto my hotbar and it went into the crucible.. Maybe a lag spike or something i dont know.

Evidence (optional, but recommended):  https://gyazo.com/d70de9a8422b97bf0dc761ed18fcf550


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