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[Refund Request] RoastedEU


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Account Name: RoastedEU

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful) 4 Eldritch Eyes ID: 4559

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: 22/05/2017 7:05


Description of Issue: I was making a portal to the outer lands and i spent 15 mins looking for a obelisk and I found one put the eyes on it and it wouldn't work. Then i realised the obelisk had no node in it. And I couldn't get my eyes back.

Evidence (optional, but recommended): https://gyazo.com/6d22213701387d7bf1c15d2fd2505890



EDIT: I have also just noticed that my Draconic Bow has gone missing. No idea when it happened. Its just gone. ID: 5624 I had like 4 wyvern cores 6 draconic cores on it. And soulbound/reaper IV/Infinity/Power V And another enchant i cant remember. Maybe punch 2. Maybe vvzany or w0rge or Jonhtom has it as these was a few of the players I was interacting with when it was lost.


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