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(In-game Name Tag change)(xWonderious_)


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Account Name: xWonderious_ (New name: xMeaningful)

Rank: Premium

Requested Commands:

I would like to get my name tag changed from [GOD] xWonderious_  to [CR] xWonderious_ (Dark Violet). 

Proof of me having the Name Tag : 


Reason for Request:
I don't like this name tag I'm using at the moment. 


- Do Admins even do such things as changing name tags? 

- Do I need to add more proof of me having Name Tag (I don't know what)

Also, how to change forum name from Chqllenqed to xWonderious_?

Here's a screenshot of me having that tag and color in the server. The previous screenshot glitched out and I don't see it in this post anymore... 


- Yes, brunyman or Powerwarp can get your name tag changed on your request. Sucks for the wait though, guess they've been pretty busy with stuff lately.

- Proof should be enough; there's already proof of ownership for your account, and now for the tag as well. All good there.

You can change your forum username by clicking on your current username on the top left and then going to Account settings -> Display name. You're allowed 5 name changes a month.

Hope that helps.


If someone cares, I'm no longer using xWonderious_ . The new name is xMeaningful . The color and the text for a tag I'm interested to have still is the same.


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