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[ Refund Request ] BobeKryant


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Account Name: BobeKryant

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful):

27 Diamonds (264)

64 Tin (6630:10)

59 Copper (4877)

2 Buckets (3255)



Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]:

6/29/17, Around 2:15AM


Description of Issue:

I had just upgraded from VIP to Premium and used the keys you got with them at spawn to receive the ingots that were missing, besides the diamonds of course. I put the ingots in my chest to go mine and when I came back the inventory from the furnace and the 2 double chests were gone, and while I am still missing the other stuff I'm just asking for the stuff I know for a fact I'm missing. It wouldn't be a big deal if I was farther along in the game but I had just started yesterday.

Evidence (optional, but recommended):

Items just disappeared, no trace of them.


Items refunded and placed in a chest by your town spawn, since your inventory was full. Topic closed.

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