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I Keep Crashing Randomly


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This is something very common in random crashes i've seen. It only happens when you have a large/heavy calculation island and you're flying around it at a reasonable rate. At some point in rendering the chunks, your client just crashes.
Try adding Optifine D4 version (not higher than that) to help you with this issue but it will keep happening, just at a lower rate. The only sure-fire way to fix it is to just rebuild your entire island with little calculations going on (Tile entities, specifically machines and other multi-block structures, wires etc) 


  1. -- Block Entity Details --
  2. Details:
  3.     Name: tile.exnihilo.barrel_stone // exnihilo.blocks.tileentities.TileEntityBarrel
  4.     Block type: ID #0 (tile.air // net.minecraft.block.BlockAir)

BlameMark just joined my island and built an energy core and another reactor thing, so that could be another reason? Twice i crashed when i was next to it

I'll do what you suggested also


It's not a very good suggestion honestly, but that's what I did when I finished SF, compacting everything I had into mine and itsz's ME system. Meaning, the only thing in my island currently is an AE system, rftools setup and a semi-large tree.

Try this, relpace the block and the blocks around it within 1 radius to something which isn't air in the coordinates below

  1.     Block location: World: (-14799,144,-6204),


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