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[Inventory Rollback Request] Scruffydrew

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Your Name: Scruffydrew 

Coordinates: I don't know

Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 

TIME: 12:00 pm Australian eastern standard time

DATE: 6/10/2017
Description of Issue:

I left the deep dark via the portal and my game crashed, when i rejoined i was falling and i died.

voodooshrimp123 and i went into the deep dark to try and retrieve my stuff and be found out that my stuff was below bedrock.

i had a full set of wyvern armor and a wyvern sword, pickaxe, shovel, bow and a healing axe and a wyvern flux capacitor.

angel ring(invisible wings), flugel tiara, golden bag of holding, ender pouch, enhanced charm of dislocation, 

Screenshots (Optional):

sorry don't got any



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