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[Island Rollback Request] NataChan

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I am posting this instead of NataChan

Your Name: Lancelot
Island Owner Name: NataChan
Coordiantes: X: 3800 Z: -15000
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  Oct. 10. 2017
Description of Issue: Something with mobfarm went wrong. Lot of mobs were spawned but not killed. Because of that whole game froze up - she was not able to move on her island. After she realized fixing mobfarm is out of her power she restarted island with /is restart but pieces of old island were still there. As this happened on October 11th any time in October 10th should be good for rollback

Rollback for both island and inventory would be welcomed.
Screenshots (Optional): 

  • Founder

I removed the mobs and the remaining mob farm, or she want the old island back?  If yes the new island has the same coordinates as the old one?


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