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[unban] X_BrayanMon_X


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[1] In-Game Username:

[2] Details of Situation:

I was punished for alleged hacking

[3] Ban Category:

hacked client-CTW

[4] Ban Duration:

13 Days, 20 Hours,16 Minutes

[5] Staff Member:


[6] ScreenShots:


8hpOhsG.pngknkHznB.png80fjThS.pngcapture that I show that I do not use anything, it's from today:


[7] Your Reason:

They are accusing me of using hack, but in reality they are potions, in the captures it is shown that if there are particles

no hablo ingles por medio de google traductor lo traduje 

pero si hablan español: me estan acusando de usar hack , pero son pociones en las capturas del video de la persona que me acusa se miran esa particulas, mas adelante el que lo trolio esta ocupando tambien se notan las particulas tambien 

No soy Hacker :,v ;-;


the particles you marked are the VIP or premium particles of me 

im the second picture you marked a particle that is about 3 blocks away from you and up in the air.


Based on @xDrews_YT's input and on my research with the pack, the particles shown come from the VIP/Premium particles and from other potions, not strength (something blue-ish like swiftness or water breathing). Therefore, you were not using strength potions but you still managed to deal more damage through a critical strike without jumping. That means you were hacking.

Unban request denied.

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