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[Island Rollback Request] Finkz


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Your Name: Finkz
Island Owner Name: Improved Gamer
Coordiantes: x:1790 z:-257

Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  12 pm Cst 22nd November 2017 (pretty sure everything was fine at noon)
Description of Issue: Ok, so the cordinates above, is where the old island was (owned by improved, i joined his island).. but currently someone else has a island there (Goldenarmy16, he only has a tree though) so i would like a rollback at those cords, then moving what was there to my current island (My island since i don't think improved made an island, and his offline at the time of me making this post), New island cordinates being: x:2303, z:257


Thank you!


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