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[Refund Request] baldieftw


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Your Name: baldieftw
Item Name + Amount: (1 of each below)
Power Fist (Advanced Battery, Omniwrench, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Melee Assist, Diamond Drill Upgrade, Portable Crafting Table)
Power Armor Helmet (Advanced Battery, Diamond Plating, Water Electrolyzer)
Power Armor Chestplate (Advanced Battery, Diamond Plating, Water Tank)
Power Armor Legging (Advanced Battery, Diamond Plating, Kinetic Generator, Sprint Assist)
Power Armor Boots (Advanced Battery, Diamond Plating, Shock Absorber)
CoordinatesWithin few blocks of x=-617, y=11, z=-3211
Description of Issue: Server crashed/restarted, upon logging back in fell out of the world and died, losing inventory + power armor.
Screenshots (Optional): Not available.


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