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[Inventory Rollback] Jojobaoilhunter


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Name: Jojobaoilhunter
Item Name + Amount:

Power armor helmet: energy shield, elite battery, water electrolyzer, airtight seal, night vision, flight control, clock, radiation shielding

Power armor chestplate: energy shield, elite battery, jetpack, magnet, active camouflage, cooling system, water tank, radiation shielding

Power armor leggings: energy shield, elite battery, swim boost, sprint resist, radiation shielding

Power armor boots: energy shield, elite battery, shock absorber, radiation shielding

Flux-infused sword: looting 2, sharpness 4, fire aspect 2, knockback 2

Flux-infused shovel

Flux-infused pickaxe: silk touch 1, effectiveness 4

Flux-infused axe

Bow: Flame 1


Redstone energy conduit x 1

Hardened energy conduit x ~55

Dirt x 3 stacks

Golden bag of holding

Coordinates:  x:1956 y:57 z:2076
Description of Issue: Server was crashing and when i logged in, I'm stuck and died from fell out of world.
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