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Refund Request


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Account Name: Waldhein

Item name + item ID:

- Ender-Quarry : 1828


Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: 06.01 - 07.01.2018 CET( GMT+1 )


Description of Issue: 
My Ender Quarry just disapeart. Although somebody modified my base. He destroyed my wall and chenged several Blocks. Maby he took the QUarry. In order to get the Quary work i had to toggle the perms enter and modify to true.  Could it be that somebody maybe took it out of my base, becouse he was able to modify the land?


Yes, you have to put enter to deny and modify to true to let the quarry work. Please don't place the quarry at the edge of your claim. I usually claim a 3x3 chunk area and put the quarry in the middle chunk. Meaning that there is 24 blocks in any direction to reach the Quarry, and no one can reach that far.


Refunded, T/C.

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