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Refund Request


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Account Name: MrFGaming2811

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful)

Dracconic Pickaxe  5619

dracconic Sword 5623

dracconic leggins 5627

dracconic chestplate 5626

2 ultimate solarpannel 2341

Iron Golem soul ... no IP

Tesseract 2675

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]:


my base despawned and i got a rollback but for 2 days before it happend.

it was a lot of time spending on crafting the items especially the draccoinic stuff.

and i got an iron golem soul from a villager village. what has a high value for me. 

also maby you can look up the moneytransactions from spawn so u can see that i bought 1 ultimate solarpannel from spawn and changed anotherone for 32 terrasteel with a player but they are both away. it is just one left.

would be nice if you can help me.

Description of Issue:

Evidence (optional, but recommended): inadvertently or more luckily i took a screenshoot in the farmingworld. You can not see everything but some  things are  there.2018-01-09_00_43_20.thumb.png.15a2c559c7d21ff58790459aa8fbc3a8.png



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