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[Item Refund Request]


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Your Name: kymacbug100
Item Name + Amount: 1 fully modded power armour suit ( discluding the power-fist ) 96 world thread 1 flux infused electrum battlewrench 1 flux infused electrum pickaxe 1 flux infused electrum axe 1 flux infused electrum shovel
Coordinates:  -114 674
Description of Issue: i was leaving a limbo and i spawned in the ground and suffocated. i quickly went home for an iron pickaxe to try and find my stuff. at that point i had stumbled into a cave and only recovered a few items (my air tank and oxygen gear)
Screenshots (Optional): 


i had diamond plate and force feild on everything i had rocket boots and a jetpack. elite battery on every piece flight mod for helmet thermal generator water coolant normal coolant and magnets (those are the ones i remember) thank you. 

1 hour ago, RandomNukes said:

Could you specify which modifications you had on the armor? Slapping every single upgrade on there isn't an option

i had diamond plate and force feild on everything i had rocket boots and a jetpack. elite battery on every piece flight mod for helmet thermal generator water coolant normal coolant and magnets (those are the ones i remember) thank you. 



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