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[Inventory Rollback Request] parceval55

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Ign: parceval55

coordinates: -4869 72 13054

Tile/date: 17:52 (new york) 03/03/2018

Description of issue: i die in the end, i pick up my stuff and go to my island. i was flying with my Jetpack and suddenly, the server crashes (i suppose)

when i'm go back to the server, i was in the end, but my grave doesn't longer existing


thank you for considering my request (ps sorry for my english i'm french)


  • 2 weeks later...

actually, i have only my armor, i'm missing my golden bag of holding with all of my tools (for the tinkers one the parts if it's not possible to get them back)

golden bag of holding

paper-manylium sign (mending) (knockback 2)

frying pan manylium paper (mending)

manylium lead electrum longsword (mending) (sharpness)

Hatchet coper-electrum 

pickaxe manylium electrum (mending)

shuriken paper manylium ardite electrum (mending) (sharpness 3)

crossbow manylium mANYLIUM electrum string purpleslime (haste 2) (mending)

bolt blazerod lead (sharpness 3)

bowl (23)

golden lasso (2)

cursed lassso (2)

acceleration wand 

teleportation wand

staff of traveling

the divine sword (diamond sword sharpness 10 unbreaking 10)

and some other things i don't remmember

and if can get my pre inventoryrollback stuff in an chest please, here screen of him













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