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[refund request] parceval55

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Your Name: parceval55
Item Name + ID + Amount: 

Bone white chicken (10 10 10) 5197 lost:4

log chicken (10 10 10) 5197:108 lost: 4

smart chicken (10 10 10) 5197:50 lost:4

flint chicken  (10 10 10) 5197:101 lost : 4

red chicken (5 4 6) 5197:14 lost: 2

yellow chicken (8 7 8) lost : 2

green chicken:  (6 7 6) 5197:13 lost: 2

lapis blue chicken (4 5 6) 5197:11 lost :2

Coordinates: -4080 72 13067
Description of Issue: i was breeding the not 10 10 10 chick's and when i breed the green, all my chicken in liberty dissapear
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Refunded in chest next to your Chicken area.

Put chickens in nesting pens or else they can despawn.

I couldn't refund you 10 10 10 Smart chicken so instead I put more Smart Chicken Spawn Eggs in the chest. 


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