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[Refund Request] a glitched death


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Account Name: AshenFlames

Items lost:

-Thaumium capped silverwood wand

-golden bag of holding

-lesser ring of magnetization

-Collar of pain

-Dark boots (Empowered 3, jump 1, flippers)

-Focus pouch with the following foci: equal trade, shock, portable hole, fire, blink.

-19 reinforced portable tank

-sacrificial orb

-Dagger of sacrifice

-Bound blade

-Electrical Steel Jetpack


When: 4/22/18 at 10:20 pm

What: I landed heavy on my rock crusher and died before I could get off. Re-spawned, went /back again and died once more. Once I got back and broke the grave it only gave me half my stuff. I lost a lot more than what is listed above but am only listing the stuff that I can recall and can't easily recreate.


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