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Lost all my Items, HomePoint and all Things


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Hey, ich habe auf eurem server vor Etwas längerer zeit Gespielt. dann habe ich mir eine pause von Modpacks Genommen und in der zeit meinen Account - Namen Mehrmals Geändert. nun Jointe ich euren Server erneut und musste feststellen dass ALLE meine sachen weg sind... also Items, Homepoint und alles mögliche. nun habe ich einem User auf eurem server gefragt was ich machen kann, er hat mir geraten ein Thema auf eurer Forum zu erstellen und zu fragen was ich machen kann. also frag ich mal was ich jetzt machen kann.. Ich will meine items wieder, und wieder spaß am server haben. 

Old name : zImJay or JayzocktHD (Ich weiß nicht mehr richtig welchen namen ich damals hatte. 

New name : PoldiiiFNA

danke im vorraus.



Please translate this post to English.

Check also which of those two names zImJay and JayzocktHD is your old account and provide the proof of it belonging to you along the way (screenshot if possible).

Thank you.


Omg am i dump sorry!


 english version :



Hey, I played on your server some time ago. then I took a break from Modpacks and changed my account name several times. Now I re-join your server and realized that ALL of my stuff is gone ... so Items, Homepoint and all sorts. Now I have asked a user on your server what I can do, he advised me to create a topic on your forum and ask what I can do. So I'll ask what I can do now .. I want my ems again, and again have fun on the server.

Old name: zImJay or JayzocktHD (I do not remember what name I had at that time.

New name: PoldiiiFNA

Thanks in advance.


When was the last time you were on, last wipe was in november-december, meaning everything you had after that was wiped? If its not you need to wait for someone who has ability to change town perms to transfer your new player in your town.


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