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Refund request


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Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful)

Golden bag of holding 5818

Ender Quarry 1828

Ender Quarry Speed III 1829:8

Quantumsuit Helmet 4174

Quantumsuit bodyarmor 4175

Quantumsuit Leggings 4176

Quantumsuit Boots 4177

Item Dislocator 5664

Tessaract 2675

Manyullyn Cleaver max modifiers all modifiers used for sharpness

Manyullyn Excavator 6648 max modifiers all used on redstone

Ender amethyst Hammer Max modifiers 6649

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]:

08.05.18 ~9:35 accidentally dropped my golden bag of holding with these items and much more inside (unfortunately cant remember them all) i just dropped it i was trying to pick it up it dissapeared, i really want to get it back there was alot of expensive items ?

Description of Issue:

Dropped golden bag of holding it immediately dissapeared

Evidence (optional, but recommended):


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