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Arbitrary Unjustified Ban


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[19] No explaining/exposing of dupe/bug/glitch methods:

  • 1st offense = 1 day ban
  • 2nd offense = 4 day ban
  • 3rd offense = 7 day ban
  • 4th offense = 14 day ban

Lets put that there to see what we are working with.

26 minutes ago, Arvic12 said:

Don't know why whoever that mod was just doesn't play the game, instead of trying to ban people for nit picky reasons. Gray area power abuse.

I wasn't sitting in vanish waiting to ban someone, I was called to the server because of you. I would hardly call that power abuse, you did exactly what the rule said. Just because you didn't read the rules doesn't mean you are exempt from them. I don't see how it's my fault you broke the rules and got punished for it.


I didn't even say the specfic item that causes it. Someone asked if their base would get destroyed if their power generation thing goes boom and I just basically said be careful, some mods, like IC2 (not specific) have some booms somewhere that can bypass protection. This is really nit picky. I was just trying to help someone by answering their question.


"i hear ic2's booms go through protection though"

You don't think this could give someone the idea to search up explosives from IC2? 

Also that is not the same thing at all, and you know that.


It's one specfic item. Every single machine in IC2 will explode if you use the incorrect voltage, so they'll have to test out every single block in IC2 except the wires.


After discussing it with Yusixs, you will not be unbanned. Picture this, a new player sees you say that IC2 may bypass claims in chat, then said new player starts looking up bypasses, he finds one and griefs a claim, or even spawn. It's very dangerous to discuss or even mention this kind of sensitive information in chat, even if you didn't have the actual intention of sharing the bypass method, which is banned by the way, you still did, and you then proceeded to add on in this forum post that "every item in ic2" has the possibility to bypass claims. You may contact @Yusixs or myself for further information.


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