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19 minutes ago, Yusixs said:

Why is the text black? Please follow the template so we can know properly on who to refund and what items you lost


Your Name: L27_SlubbyGames
Item Name + Amount: see screenshot
Coordinates (format x, y, z): 412, 70, 3004 
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: 495.5, 64, 2790.5
Description of Issue: I died next to a fence and I think that why no grave was spawned
Screenshots (Optional): https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvGDq_GMwq5chPtzdQEjLB1XPsNiLg

21 hours ago, Yusixs said:

Why is the text black? Please follow the template so we can know properly on who to refund and what items you lost


why ist black? idk I copied from discord.


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