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[Inventory Refund Request] BionicalGaming

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Your Name: BionicalGaming
Coordinates:  -3772.30 , -4226.58 , 68.62 (67)
Time/Date (20:30pm - 21:00pm/01/06/2018
Description of Issue: 
i made my reactor and i broke a block and it blew up i forgot to turn the power off :( was wondering if im able to make a requested roll back to when it was all in my inventory?

32x Electric Turbines

32x Electromagnets

32x Electromagnetic Glass

8x Sound Mufflers 

1x Fusion Reactor

1x Chemical Extractor

1x Aqueous Accumulator


Items Refunded (Confirmed by player in game)

Next time please use the correct template which is the Item Refund Template not the Inventory Rollback Template ?

This is the template:

Your Name: 
Item Name + Amount: 
Description of Issue: 
Screenshots (Optional): 

It's under the rollback template :)



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