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[Refund Request] Jacobb303


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Account Name: Jacobb303

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful); Dark Helm; 5766  ,Empowered II, (added Vibrant Crystal; 5748:6 , and Basic Capacitor 5746), (Same for all pieces of armor, so 4 total). Dark Plate; 5767 , Empowered II. Dark Leggings; 5767 ,Empowered II. Dark Boots; 5769 , empowered II. Resonant Capacitor; 5283:5. Quest Book 7507.

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]:

11:25pm (PST), 6/7/2018.

Description of Issue: Was mining and stepped into lava when I burned to death. Came back with cobblestone and covered the surrounding lava to protect my items before breaking the gravestone, but still a small puddle reamined near the bottom. Threw a few pieces of cobblestone in it and determined that it was safe after they didn't burn. Broke the gravestone only to see all of my items burned in lava.

Evidence (optional, but recommended):


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