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Unban 7u7_Paradox_7u7


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[1] User name in the game:

- (7u7_Paradox_7u7) -
[2] Details of the situation:

- (I was banned for a supposed duplicate of keys.) -

[3] Prohibition category:

- (Duplicate elements) -

[4] Duration of the prohibition:

- (4 days) -

[5] Staff member:

- (MarceLoL) -

[6] Screenshots:

- (I do not have) -

[7] Your reason:

- (As you think that was me, to see that I showed a video where I left on the server said "I fell more badly than Suaza" because there would be no reason to fuck me, it's as easy as putting / investing 7u7_Paradox_7u7 and take screem and then put invest someone and blame me, because they do not check my house what they want true I have many white shulkers and as you see all empty, until the FearThisGod could have done that shulker to fuck I do not have a video or anything) -


http://plays.tv/video/5b21ab4893620a86e8/xd  ?


I checked your enderchest but it was empty, and that shulker is not the same as Dante's proofs, which means there are more duped :c

So, I recommend you to delete every duped when you get unbanned.

Oh, and if sadly you get banned again and you want to make an unban request, tag me like that @MarceLOL :P


Wanna say something or I close this topic?



There is no rule saying that duplicating items is not allowed.. Some staff members told me that nothing that is not on rules is punishable. 

Well, I'll tag @MarceLOL for ya.


edit: lel you are faster than me xD


Well, in my opinion it shouldn't be considered as bug abuse, as you can duplicate them using mouse's middle click everywhere, every server where you can have gm 1 and singplayer


20 minutes ago, 0_PaRaDoX_0 said:

- (As you think that was me, to see that I showed a video where I left on the server said "I fell more badly than Suaza" because there would be no reason to fuck me, it's as easy as putting / investing 7u7_Paradox_7u7 and take screem and then put invest someone and blame me, because they do not check my house what they want true I have many white shulkers and as you see all empty, until the FearThisGod could have done that shulker to fuck I do not have a video or anything) -


I don't understand anything


No. If they do that, it will appear a label with "Spawned by X". They have to bug it to remove the label, there are different ways to do it.

(In case you haven't got anything more to add don't reply, please)


I do not understand how people can have confidence in people like Paradox. Knowing that he stole several accounts, and that he has a very aggressive attitude. But well I can not do anything to prevent it.


You crashed the sv with your accounts zKayo, advertised, bug abusing several times, etc and you complain about Paradox...


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