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[Rollback Request] tp'd into RFTools Dimension lost entire inventory shortly afterwards

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Account Name: Smug_Anime_Face

Item name + item ID (item ID optional, but very helpful)

Time/date[time/date when "WHAT" happened]: Between 7.00pm and 7.03pm PST (California time) fandomtopia has me teleport with her to Link's base. While loading in I end up on a matter beamer, then I die and lose my whole inventory in an RFTools Dimension


Description of Issue: same as above

Evidence (optional, but recommended): was working on a lot of bee stuff with fandomtopia and chinougly know the things i had in my inventory are legit. Also I'm asking for it to be set back to a time not asking for items. iiHero was also present for me losing all my stuff and can vouch for the event happening.


If possible please rollback my inventory to as close as possible before I lost my inventory.


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