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Item Refund


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Your Name: Oliversc
Item Name + Amount: All Power Armour Gear with elite batteries in all, All with Advanced Plating, Chestplate with active Camoflauge, Boots with Jet Boots and Power Tool with All Upgrades Installed except wireless acccess termnal. And an ME Wireless Access Terminal and 4 stacks of marble bricks and 4 stacks of basalt cobblestone
Coordinates: don’t Have exactly
Description of Issue: Was using jet boots to find a volcano, as I flew past a base my rocket boots glitched and i died. My items were dropped and when I tried to get back they had despawned as i couldnt pick them up.
Screenshots (Optional): 


Either this is a duplicate post. (But you seem to have added a few extra items mysteriously...) I don't remember seeing bricks or cobblestone on the floor just a few power armour pieces. I do find this topic a little alarming considering you were "trying to find a volcano" but already had basalt on yourself allegedly. To refunding staff members, I am presuming this is a duplicate post to one that has already been dealt with:


Oliversc, please do not double post in future. Once a post has been made a member of staff will deal with it at their earliest convenience.




I was present when he lost his items just now, already told him that if he copied and pasted his refund requests again they would be denied until he made a proper one.

Items Refunded.



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