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[Claim Rollback request] Bazza546


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Your Name: Bazza546
Coordiantes: x-462 z-1164 y57
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): I am unsure of an exact time when everything was ok due to the current server issues that had been happening, but anything before that should be fine, so as a place holder i will say 17/08/2018 10am GMT
Description of Issue: I logged on after the mass outages the server had been having to find all my storage drivs containing all of my items gone, they had vanished. a rollback would possibly fix this issue.
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After viewing someone elses claim and a moderator said refined storage can no longer be rolled back, i personally don't mind at all, however i still would like a rollback, as an external storage crate i had connected to it vanished later on for some weird reason, it may have lined up with a minor server rollback that happened which caused some plots to revert a few days. So a normal rollback to the time i requested should bring my external storage back at least. And then i can log on and progress again, this time with applied energistics heh. 

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