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[RefundRequest] AdorkableBre


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Your Name: AdorkableBre
Item Name + Amount: Blood alter, 2 world anchors from Gotlag666, 1 world anchor from AdorkableBre 2 Harvester,2  MFSU, Advanced solar panel (item #228), Mana distributer,2  Natura pylons, 1 ultimate solar panel, 9 resonant solar panels, planter, 13 copper blocks, beacon, 116 endo flames, wireless charger,2  diamond chest, 4 crafting terminals, wither skeleton soul, witch soul, zombie soul, pixie soul, skeleton soul, auto-crafter, enchantment table, 2 slice'n'splice, soul binder, disenchantment table, uncrafting table, 2 grinders, 2 full drums of monster essence, thermionic fabricator, armor stand with flux infused armor set, hazmat suit, hazmat suit leggings, rubber boots, scuba helmet, armor stand, inscriber, metal former, drum of blazing pyrotheum, diamond spike, 2 glider wings, 6 cracked runic plates, thaumostatic harness, 2 nether stars, 2 advanced electric jetpacks, 3 resonant flux packs, 2 dark solarium thrusters, 2 flux thrusters, 5 iridium reinforced plates,6 Witchery altars, arthana, chalice, 6 ember moss, witchery kettle, witchery distillery, soul armor forge, 4 master ritual stones,arcane plinth, 48 runes of self sacrifice, ritual divine (item #4437:1), 2 arcane pedestal 
Coordinates: x: 571 z: 611 y: 66
Description of Issue: Someone griefed us somehow, if you would like to see the stuff that's missing you can look and check our ME system as well for proof that we no longer have the things
Screenshots (Optional): There was too much random stuff taken to upload screenshots but if you want to see it i will show you where everything is missing


refunded most stuff, missing are the mob Souls cause i can't refund other types than pig the endoflames which i can't refund cause same item id as Poppy and the autocrafter, cause i not know what u want


i refunded into your inventory:


1 pixie soul

1 wither skeleton soul

1 witch soul

1 zombie soul

1 skeleton soul

116 endoflames


For that auto-crafter; do you mean the RFTools Crafter?
If yes: what tier?
If no: what autocrafter do you mean?


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