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command request

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Account Name: Darknesscafted
Rank: Sponsor+
Requested Commands^: Force tp, (preferably only me to other players if possible)
Reason for Request*: just to see what people are up to, and to stop having to waste time with the whole tpa thing, just straight up tp to people. i understand if i cannot have this command as it is quite the stretch, but it'd be nice to have, and i'd like to think i've been here long enough and for myself to never have gotten into trouble with anything before to be trusted with such command. but again i get it if i cannot.


(also vip rank on discord since I obviously have a rank :P)


Sorry, quite the strech as you say. I know you're a retired staff member and all but it's not something i'd like to give to any sponsor. Sorry

Denied T/C

Ask someone else to give you the VIP role, i'm not in CL discord (for the better or worse)

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